Piotr Banasiński
| Inhomogenous SSC Model for High Energy Emission from Blazars
During the quiet gamma-ray state of blazars the high energy emission is likely to be produced in the extended part of the inner jet in which the conditions can change significantly. Therefore, homogeneous SSC model is not expected to describe correctly the quiet state emission features. We consider inhomogeneous SSC model for the large part of the inner jet in which synchrotron and IC emission of relativistic electrons is taken into account self-consistently by applying the Monte Carlo method. The results of calculations are compared with the observations of some BL Lacs in the low state.
Marcela Batkiewicz
| Produkcja neutralnych pionów w oddziaływaniach νμ CC w bliskim detektorze ND280 eksperymentu T2K
Zarówno do opisu oddziaływań neutrin, jak i oscylacji neutrin konieczna jest lepsza znajomość przekrojów czynnych. Pomiar przekrojów czynnych neutrin jest jednym z zadań bliskiego detektora ND280. Dla energii odpowiadających neutrinom z wiązki T2K, oddziaływania CC z pionami naładowanymi stanowią istotne tło do oddziaływań kwazi-elastycznych, będących sygnałem w badaniu oscylacji neutrin. Neutralne piony pochodzą z dwóch różnych procesów: rozpadu rezonansów delta oraz rozpraszania głęboko nieelastycznego, a ich własności i liczebność są dodatkowo modyfikowane przez wtórne oddziaływania z materią jądra atomowego. Stąd, analiza inkluzywnych oddziaływań CC pi0 umożliwi przetestowanie i poprawienie modeli MC używanych przez T2K oraz zmniejszenie błędów systematycznych w analizie oscylacyjnej. Plakat zawiera opis selekcji oraz wstępne wyniki pomiaru przekroju czynnego na inkluzywne oddziaływanie CC pi0.
Nils-Erik Bomark
| Decaying gravitinos and the 3.5 keV x-ray line.
Monochromatic photon lines in cosmic rays are often considered the smoking gun signature of dark matter. It is therefore intriguing that evidence for such line has been claimed in stacked x-ray data from XMM-Newton. Despite its rather low energy of 3.5 keV, there are plenty of well motivated dark matter candidates capable of explaining the signal. As one of few supersymmetric dark matter candidates that remains also in R-parity violating models and that can be almost arbitrarily light, the gravitino is an obvious choice for explaining such a line signal. We demonstrate that loop decays of gravitino dark matter to photons and neutrinos can in fact accommodate the seen signal, with the added bonus of likely visible R-parity violating signals at the LHC. This would, though, put constraints on the reheating temperature of the universe and the other sparticle masses, in order to avoid over-closer of the universe by gravitino production.
Szymon Charzyński
| Simulations of binary black hole mergers
We present results of numerical simulations of binary black hole mergers. The simulation of the dynamics of space time covers the phase of inspiral of the binary system and the formation of resulting single black hole. The emission of gravitational radiation and the properties of the resulting black hole, such as mass, spin and kick velocity are analyzed. The influence of the merger on the matter surrounding the binary system is also studied.
Katarzyna Frankiewicz
| Search for dark matter induced neutrinos from Milky Way with the Super-Kamiokande detector
A search for dark matter (DM) induced neutrinos from the Milky Way has been performed based on data collected with the Super-Kamiokande detector in years 1996-2014. DM density is expected to be largely enhanced in the area of the Galactic Center (GC) which may result in increased annihilation/deacy of relic particles in that region. The analysis focuses on the search for angular anisotropy in the number of observed neutrino events between the GC and the other part of the sky where the expected flux of dark matter annihilation/decay products is low. No excess of neutrinos from the GC region has been observed with respect to atmospheric neutrino background. Upper limits on the self-annihilation cross-section and lower limits on the lifetime have been obtained for DM particle masses ranging from 1 GeV to 10 TeV for various DM halo models.
Dorota Gondek-Rosińska
| Modeling of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves
Mikołaj Grzędzielski
| Searching for deterministic chaos in the accreting black holes signatures
Variability of black hole X-ray binaries may arise from the underlying stochastic processes, that operate in their accretion disks on different length scales and timescales. However, the sources may laso show complicated temporal behaviour, if the governing differential equations are nonlinear. Numerical simulation show that the accretion disks may undergo coherent, large amplitude oscilaltion around unstable, steady-state solutions. In this case, the apparent random behaviour of X-ray sources will actually be deterministic. We study this possibility using the recurrence analysis technique applied to the real data of several X-ray sources, observed by the Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer.
Małgorzata Harańczyk
| Long baseline neutrino simulations for SUNLAB as compared to the LBNO and DUNE projects
Agnieszka Janiuk
| Modeling the heartbeat state in the microquasar IGR J17091-3624
Microquasar IGR J17091-3624 exhibits faint, quasi-periodical outbursts of the period between 5 and 70 seconds and regular amplitudes, frequently referred to as the 'heartbeat state'. These outbursts are plausibly explained by the accretion disk instability, driven by the dominant radiation pressure. Similar models have already been proposed to discuss the behaviour of another, much brighter microquasar, GRS 1915+105. In the current work, we use our hydrodynamical code GLADIS (Global Accretion Disk Instability Simulation) to model these 'heartbeat' outbursts. We compare our results with the observational data from SWIFT XRT and we investigate the link between the development of the disk instability and strength of massive wind launched from the source. We discuss the properties of this wind and compare them with the results of spectral analysis.
Kamila Kowalska
| Constraining SUSY dark matter with g-2 and the LHC
We analyze the LHC signatures of a broad class of GUT-inspired SUSY models characterized by having a bino neutralino LSP and being in agreement with the muon g-2 anomaly. We describe the mechanisms required to obtain the correct value of the dark matter relic density and show that they can be used as a handle for detection at the LHC. We perform numerical simulations of several LHC searches characterized by electroweak particles and large mixing energy and derive projections for the 14 TeV run.
Janusz Krywult
| Co-evolution of galaxy colours and shapes from VIPERS
It is well known that today's spiral, disk galaxies are blue, while elliptical, spheroidal galaxies are red. However, the question "when and how did this clear colour-and-shape bimodality establish?" still remains open. The problem became even more complex when an additional "green valley" population has been discovered at $z\sim 1$. The VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) covering 24~deg$^2$ enables, for the first time in history with such a high statistical significance, a detailed analysis of the distribution and physical properties of $\sim 90,000$ galaxies in the redshift range $0.5< z<1.2$. We present our measurements of the morphological properties of VIPERS galaxies in the redshift range $0.5 |
Marcin Kucaba
| The gravitational wave background from galactic population of the neutron stars.
A spinning neutron star is a source of continuous gravitational waves (GWs), if its mass distribution is non-axisymmetric. Such asymmetry can be caused by various instabilities and deformations, e.g. magnetic field. We have performed calculations of the GWs background produced by the ensemble of rotating neutron stars (NSs) in the Milky Way. In our calculations we use a realistic model of population of NSs which takes into account the distribution of birth places, kicks, and evolution of pulsars. We analyse the spatial shape and the spectrum of such background. We present the daily variation of the noise and discuss its dependence on the spectral band. We find that the signal would be detectable by gravitational waves ground based detectors Advanced Virgo/Ligo and Einstein Telescope.
Aleksander Kurek
| New techniques for processing the data for cosmological applications
Paweł Łuczak
| Badanie mionów w Wielkich Pękach Atmosferycznych detektorem śladowym w eksperymencie KASCADE-Grande
Detektor Śladowy Mionów w eksperymencie KASCADE-Grande pozwalał na rekonstrukcją torów mionów o energii powyżej 800 MeV z dużą dokładnością kątową. Wykorzystując informację o parametrach Wielkich Pęków (WP), pochodzącą z zespołów detektorów scyntylacyjnych KASCADE i Grande, jest możliwe badanie rozkładów poprzecznych gęstości, wysokości produkcji oraz pseudorapidity mionów. Parametry te pozwalają na bezpośredni wgląd w rozkłady gęstości mionów na pozionie obserwacji, rozwój WP w atmosferze oraz parametry oddziaływań hadronów zachodzących w czasie rozwoju WP. Porównane tych parametrów z parametrami otrzymanymi z pęków symulowanych pozwala na sprawdzenie jakości opisu oddziaływań przez modele oddziaływań hadronów wykorzystanych w symulacjach. Zostaną pokazane wyniki analiz: rozkładów gęstości mionów, wysokości produkcji mionów oraz badania składu masowego promieniowania kosmicznego z wykorzystaniem pseudorapidity mionów.
Agnieszka Majczyna
| By atmosphere to the core of the neutron star
More than 50 years after a discovery of the neutron stars their internal structure and properties of matter building up these stars, are still open questions. In particular the equation of state of matter (EOS) under extreme densities and temperatures in interiors of neutron stars are to be determined. The only way to verify EOS's are astronomical observations, because in Earth laboratories we are unable to reproduce conditions similar to the neutron star interiors, where density of gas approaches or even exceeds densities of atomic nuclei. Very important property of theoretical models is the existence of maximum mass of the neutron star and the unique mass - radius relation for each assumed EOS. To verify assumptions made during EOS calculation we may use only astronomical observations. Astronomers seek for more and more massive neutron stars, because it could eliminate those EOS, which predict too low maximum mass. If we can simultaneously determine mass and radius for a given neutron star, then we could constrain or even find specific equation of state. One of such method is fitting of observed spectra of hot neutron stars by theoretical model atmospheres. We present this method of determination of mass and radius of the neutron star from model atmosphere and new perspective, which yields planned X-ray satellite LOFT (Large Observatory for X-ray Timing). We simulated spectrum of hot neutron star as seen by the LOFT's detector. During the simulation we assumed specific set of the neutron star parameters - effective temperature T_eff=2.2x10^7 K, the logarithm of the surface gravity log(g)=14.30 and the surface gravitational redshift z=0.30, the dwo latter parameters correspond with the mass M=1.644 solar masses and the radius R=11.954 km. Next we fit this spectrum by a large grid of our model spectra. We reproduced assuming parameters of the neutron star with some errors. We estimated these errors (1.4% and 13.34% for log(g) and z respectively), and show that its values allow to constrain EOS of the neutron star.
Renata Modzelewska
| Heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays in the turbulent solar wind.
Galactic cosmic ray (GCR) charged particles propagating through the heliosphere are undergoing to the influence of the diverged solar wind, and the combination of the turbulent and regular heliospheric magnetic field (HMF). Solar modulation occurs because when cosmic ray particles enter into the heliosphere, they meet the expanding solar wind with a frozen-in magnetic field. The convective motion of the magnetic field can prevent cosmic rays from incoming, while the expansion of the solar wind causes the particles to lose energy adiabatically, resulting in a decrease of cosmic ray flux inside the heliosphere. The modulation of the GCR intensity is manifested in different long and short scale quasi-periodic variations (22- years, 11-years, 27 days and 24 hours) and short time (a few days) irregular changes – Forbush decreases (Fd). The global network of ground detectors -neutron monitors-represents a unique 'instrument' of GCR observations with particle energy threshold 500 MeV-50 GeV, with a continuously full-sky scan. Investigation of intensities of GCR particles incoming from different directions allows to determine the cosmic ray anisotropy, while combining data from detectors at different geomagnetic latitudes (different particle rigidity cutoff) provides information on the GCR energy spectrum. Moreover, this instrumentation provides a highly cost-effective method for making measurements with a required statistical accuracy. Neutron monitors have been in action for over fifty years and provide a vital long-term perspective on solar variations with time scales from minutes to decades. In this report, we briefly discuss our recent results based on analyzes, theoretical modeling and interpretation of ground-based neutron monitor observations.
Zenon Nieckarz
| Obraz spektralny oscylacji pola elektromagnetycznego w zakresie ULF na powierzchni Ziemi, jako monitor dynamiki energetycznych cząstek wokół niej
Wyrzuty masy koronalnej (CME) pochodzące ze Słońca i docierające w pobliże Ziemi są źródłem zaburzeń magnetycznego otoczenia Ziemi (magnetosfery) znanych jako burze magnetyczne. Towarzyszące im deformacje (kompresje) magnetosfery oraz silny wzrost populacji cząstek energetycznych w pobliżu pasów radiacyjnych tworzą sprzyjające warunki do rozwoju w ośrodku plazmowym szeregu niestabilności, w szczególności w zakresie jonowo-cyklotronowym oraz MHD. Generowane fale zaburzeń są modyfikowane m.in. składem izotopowym, w szczególności jonów O+, He+ i He++, które z kolei wpływają m.in. na populację relatywistycznych elektronów. Typowe częstotliwości obejmują zakres od pojedynczych mHz do kilkudziesięciu Hz. W wyniku transferu i konwersji fal poprzez magnetosferę i jonosferę, na powierzchni Ziemi obserwuje się wolnozmienne oscylacje pola B w zakresie od kilku mHz do kilku Hz. Na plakacie zostaną zaprezentowane warunki i parametry pracy stacji pomiarowej „Hylaty” działającej w Bieszczadach. Ciągłe obserwacje (od 2004 roku) oscylacji dwu składowych pola magnetycznego w zakresie ULF/ELF pozwoliły zgromadzić dane związane z kilkoma intensywnymi burzami magnetycznymi. Przedstawione i omówione zostaną spektrogramy obrazujące burze magnetyczne związane z silnymi wyrzutami masy koronalnej ze Słońca w latach 2005-2006. Przedstawione zostanie porównanie z wynikami innych pomiarów naziemnych i satelitarnych oraz krótka dyskusja efektów związanych z energetycznymi cząstki w rejonie pasów radiacyjnych.
Łukasz Obara
| Pi of the Sky
Pi of the Sky is a system of wide field-of-view robotic telescopes, which search for short timescale astrophysical phenomena, especially for prompt optical GRB emission. The system was designed for autonomous operation, monitoring a large fraction of the sky with 12m-13m range and time resolution of the order of 1-10 seconds. System design and observation stratedy was successfully tested with a prototype detector operational in 2004-2009 at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile, and moved to San Pedro de Atacama Observatory in March 2011. In October 2010 the first unit of the final Pi of the Sky detector system, with 4 CCD cameras, was successfully installed in the INTA El Arenosillo Test Centre in Spain. Three more units (12 CCD cameras) was succesfully installed in 2013 on a new platform, aiming at a total coverage of about 6400 square degrees. Status and performance of the detectors is presented.
Monika Pieńkos
| Proto-neutron star model
In the light of recent observations, it is important to know the evolutionary path that leads to the formation of a neutron star with the mass of the order of two solar masses. The analysis of theoretical models which describe the different stages of neutron star evolution has been provided. Construction of models adequate for subsequent phases of evolution commences with the phase of a hot, neutrino opaque, contracting proto-neutron star, to the final state of a cold neutron star have been done. Our effort is concentrated on calculations of the appropriate equations of state (EoSs) that would describe correctly the different stages of a neutron star evolution. The obtained EoSs for the asymmetric nuclear matter that includes only nucleons have been compared with those with non-zero strangeness. The constructed models allow us to examine the structure of neutron stars in their sequential evolution.
Grazyna Siemieniec-Ozieblo
| Gamma-ray emission from galaxy cluster outskirt versus radio relic
We consider the potential future observation in gamma-ray domain at the edge of these clusters, in which the radio relic phenomenon is observed. We focus here on the spectral signature of gamma radiation, which should be observed in the energy range of Fermi-LAT i.e. > 10^{-1} GeV and the CTA energy range ~ few x 10^{2} GeV. As an example we take two types of non-thermal, diffuse radio emission (radio relic of A 2256 and radio halo of Coma cluster), then we suggest that in both cases the expected correlated gamma-ray spectrum should have characteristic structure depending on the value of the local magnetic field. This would allow to link the future spectral observation, in particular the position of gamma signature, with the value of magnetic field in the border area connecting the galaxy cluster with the filament and may possibly constrain the value of relative efficiency of particle acceleration at the edge of the cluster.
Aleksandra Solarz
| Clustering of the AKARI NEP Deep Field mid infrared selected galaxies
We present a method of selection of 24 μm galaxies from the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) Deep Field and measurements of their two-point correlation function. We aim to associate different 24 μm selected galaxy populations with present day galaxies, and to investigate the impact of their environment on the direction of their subsequent evolution. We discuss the use of Support Vector Machines (SVM) algorithms applied to infrared photometric data to perform star-galaxy separation, in which we achieve an accuracy > 80%. We explore the redshift dependance of the correlation function parameters as well as the linear bias evolution (which relates galaxy distribution to the one of the underlying dark matter). We find that the bias parameter increases slowly with redshift, from b = 0.9 at z < 0.5 to b ∼ 1.9 at z ∼ 1.1. Total infrared luminosities (L_TIR) found for different samples, suggest that galaxies with higher L_TIR do not necessarily reside in higher mass dark matter halos. We find that luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) at z∼1 can be ancestors of present day L_∗ early type galaxies.
Anna Studzińska
| The effects of equation of state and differential rotation on the maximum mass of neutron stars
Rotating neutron stars are among the most promising sources of gravitational waves especially when they are newly born (proto-neutron stars) or as compact remnants of neutron stars binary merger. Binary neutron star merger lead to the formation of a massive differentially rotating neutron star or to the prompt collapse to a black hole. The maximum mass of a differentially rotating remnant is crucial for distinguishing between these final objects. We numerically construct stellar models using a highly accurate and stable relativistic code based on a multi-domain spectral method. We find various types of solutions, for each type of solutions and each EOS we calculate the maximum allowed mass. The outcomes no collapse, delayed collapse or prompt collapse depends on equation of state of neutron stars and can be observed by future gravitational waves detectors.
Magdalena Szkudlarek
| Rotating Strange Quark Stars as sources of gravitational waves.
Strange quark stars are considered as a possible alternative to neutron stars as compact objects. A hot compact star (a proto-neutron star or a strange star) born in a supernova explosion or a remnant of neutron stars binary merger are expected to rotate differentially and undergo some rotational instabilities, which might lead to emission of gravitational waves. Rotating compact stars are considered as important sources of gravitational waves for Advanced Virgo/Ligo detectors. We present results of the first relativistic calculations of differentially rotating strange quark stars for broad ranges of degree of differential rotation and maximum densities. Using a highly accurate, relativistic code we show that rotation may cause a significant increase of maximum allowed mass and can temporarily stabilize stars against prompt collapse into a black hole.
Mariusz Tarnopolski
| Distinguishing short and long FERMI GRBs
Two classes of GRBs, short and long, have been determined without any doubts, and are usually ascribed to different progenitors. Duration data of 1566 FERMI GRBs is investigated by means of chi squared multimodal log-normal fitting with various binnings. It is found that i) the distribution is intrinsically bimodal, but ii) it is statistically better described by a mixture of three Gaussians rather than two. Historically, the division between short and long GRBs was set at T90=2 s; in FERMI data this value is placed at 1.5 s. Moreover, a subsample of 46 long and 22 short GRBs with estimated Hurst Exponents (HEs), complemented by minimum variability time-scales (MTS) and duration (T90) is used to perform a Monte Carlo (MC) simulation and supervised Machine Learning (ML) using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm. It is found that while T90 itself performs very well in distinguishing short and long GRBs, the overall succes ratio is higher when the training set is complemented by MTS and HE. These results may allow to introduce a new (nonlinear) parameter space that might provide less ambiguous classification of GRBs.
Sebastian Trojanowski
| Supersymmetric dark matter with low reheating temperature
I will examine the relic abundance of supersymmetric dark matter in a scenario where the reheating temperature T_R of the Universe after a period of cosmological inflation is low, in the range of tens or of hundreds of GeV. To this end I will solve the Boltzmann equation during and after the period of reheating, i.e., before the radiation dominated epoch begins. I will consider several candidates for the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) as a dark matter candidate. In the case of the neutralino LSP, large new regions of parameter space open up, depending on the value of reheating temperature. Gravitino and axino as dark matter in a low T_R regime will be also presented.
Mateusz Wiśniewicz
| Neutron star and strange quark star binaries in the late inspiral phase.
Coalescing neutron star (strange quark star) binaries are considered among the most likely sources of gravitational waves to be seen by Advanced Virgo and Advance LIGO interferometers. Gravitational wave signal of the late inspiral or merger phase of such binaries could yield important information about the equation of state (EOS) of neutron stars. Most of calculations were performed for equal-mass neutron star binaries. However the radio observations of neutron star binaries and population synthesis show that binaries with non-equal masses should be considered as well. We present calculations of the final phase of inspiral of neutron star binaries with astrophysically motivated masses. A realistic equation of state is used.
Grzegorz Zuzel
| Neutrino cząstką Diraca czy Majorany - najnowsze wyniki eksperymentu GERDA.
Celem eksperymentu GERDA jest badanie natury neutrina i próba wyznaczenia jego masy efektywnej w oparciu o jedną z najbardziej czułych metod, jaką byłaby obserwacja podwójnego bezneutrinowego rozpadu beta (0vbb), w naszym przypadku izotopu Ge-76. Wykrycie tego procesu, zachodzącego zgodnie z przewidywaniami i wyznaczonymi doświadczalnie ograniczeniami, z niezwykle małym prawdopodobieństwem, byłoby potwierdzeniem hipotezy, iż neutrino jest cząstką typu Majorany. W odróżnieniu od wszystkich innych składników materii byłoby ono więc swoją własną antycząstką, co zgodnie z niektórymi koncepcjami, zmieniłoby nasze obecne rozumienie struktury materii i ewolucji Wszechświata. Występowanie 0vbb świadczyłoby także o niezachowaniu całkowitej liczby leptonowej. GERDA jest aktualnie wiodącym eksperymentem w dziedzinie poszukiwań podwójnego bezneutrinowego rozpadu beta. W pierwszej fazie realizacji projektu osiągnięto zgodny z oryginalnymi założeniami poziom tła równy (1.1 +- 0.2)x10^-2 zliczen/(keV×kg×rok), o rząd wielkości niższy niż w poprzednich eksperymentach wykorzystujących Ge-76: Heidelberg-Moscow (HdM) oraz IGEX. Ekstremalnie niskie tło pozwoliło na określenie dolnego ograniczenia na czas połowicznego zaniku Ge-76 dla 0vbb na poziomie T1/2 > 2.1x10^25 lat, mimo względnie krótkiego pomiaru (1.5 roku) i niedużej masy detektorów, dających w sumie ekspozycję równą 21.6 kgxy. Uzyskany wynik pozwolił na wykluczenie (z prawdopodobieństwem 99%) doniesienia o obserwacji 0vbb (T1/2 = (1.19 + 0.37 - 0.23)x10^25 lat) opublikowanego przez część kolaboracji HdM. Kombinacja danych z detektorów GERDA, HdM i IGEX umożliwiła osiągnięcie jeszcze silniejszego ograniczenia na czas połowicznego zaniku: T1/2 > 3.0x10^25 lat i potwierdziła wykluczenie doniesienia. Wynik uzyskany w eksperymencie GERDA dostarcza aktualnie najsilniejszego ograniczenia na T1/2 (0vbb) oraz na masę efektywną neutrina (0.2 – 0.4 eV). W referacie, oprócz wyników fazy I, przedstawiony zostanie także aktualny stan realizacji drugiego etapu eksperymentu, w którym zwiększoną czułość uzyskujemy dzięki wykorzystaniu specjalnych detektorów BEGe oraz dodatkowej redukcji tła poprzez zastosowanie aktywnego veta argonowego.