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Ilona Bednarek Hyperon star model
Tomasz Bulik Polish participation in the Einstein Telescope project
Krzysztof Cieślik Results from the ICARUS experiment and future of the T600 detector
Olga Fuksińska Particle production due to time-dependence of the background
Krzysztof Graczyk Neutrino-nucleon/nucleus Interactions
Bohdan Grządkowski Light Scalar Dark Matter and Higgs Physics
Thomas Klähn Quark Matter in Compact Stars
Andrzej Królak Advanced LIGO and Virgo projects
Marek Lewicki Vacuum stability in the Standard Model and its extensions
Piotr Mijakowski Astroparticle searches at the Super-Kamiokande Detector
Marcin Misiaszek Astronomia neutronowa. Eksperymenty BOREXINO i SOX w Gran Sasso
Rafał Moderski High energy astroparticle physics with H.E.S.S.
Michał Ostrowski The CTA activities in Poland
Jan Pękala CROME experiment and its results
Aleksandra Piórkowska Strong gravitational lensing in cosmology and in gravitational wave astrophysics
Agnieszka Pollo Cosmology and large scale structure from existing and future deep sky surveys
Szymon Sikora Determination of the lower bound of the Milky Way mass on basis of motion of the distant halo tracers
Marek Stęślicki Spectrometer/Telescope Project for Imaging X-Rays (STIX) On-Board the Solar Orbiter Interplanetary Mission to the Sun
Petra Sukova Studies of black hole accretion flows with computational astrophysics methods
Henryk Wilczyński Ultra-high energy cosmic rays: lessons from Pierre Auger Observatory
Andrew Williams Sensitivity of CTA to dark matter annihilations in the galactic centre
Janusz Zabierowski KASCADE-Grande results on the energy spectrum of high energy cosmic rays
Adam Zadrożny Pi of the Sky telescope contribution to the LSC-Virgo Electromagnetic Follow-up project
Joanna Zalipska Probing neutrino physics with the T2K experiment
Anna Zwolińska POLAR - satelitarny detektor do pomiaru polaryzacji promieniowania z rozbłysków gamma


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Piotr Banasiński Inhomogenous SSC Model for High Energy Emission from Blazars
Marcela Batkiewicz Produkcja neutralnych pionów w oddziaływaniach νμ CC w bliskim detektorze ND280 eksperymentu T2K
Nils-Erik Bomark Decaying gravitinos and the 3.5 keV x-ray line.
Szymon Charzyński Simulations of binary black hole mergers
Katarzyna Frankiewicz Search for dark matter induced neutrinos from Milky Way with the Super-Kamiokande detector
Dorota Gondek-Rosińska Modeling of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves
Mikołaj Grzędzielski Searching for deterministic chaos in the accreting black holes signatures
Małgorzata Harańczyk Long baseline neutrino simulations for SUNLAB as compared to the LBNO and DUNE projects
Agnieszka Janiuk Modeling the heartbeat state in the microquasar IGR J17091-3624
Kamila Kowalska Constraining SUSY dark matter with g-2 and the LHC
Janusz Krywult Co-evolution of galaxy colours and shapes from VIPERS
Marcin Kucaba The gravitational wave background from galactic population of the neutron stars.
Aleksander Kurek New techniques for processing the data for cosmological applications
Paweł Łuczak Badanie mionów w Wielkich Pękach Atmosferycznych detektorem śladowym w eksperymencie KASCADE-Grande
Agnieszka Majczyna By atmosphere to the core of the neutron star
Renata Modzelewska Heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays in the turbulent solar wind.
Zenon Nieckarz Obraz spektralny oscylacji pola elektromagnetycznego w zakresie ULF na powierzchni Ziemi, jako monitor dynamiki energetycznych cząstek wokół niej
Łukasz Obara Pi of the Sky
Monika Pieńkos Proto-neutron star model
Grazyna Siemieniec-Ozieblo Gamma-ray emission from galaxy cluster outskirt versus radio relic
Aleksandra Solarz Clustering of the AKARI NEP Deep Field mid infrared selected galaxies
Anna Studzińska The effects of equation of state and differential rotation on the maximum mass of neutron stars
Magdalena Szkudlarek Rotating Strange Quark Stars as sources of gravitational waves.
Mariusz Tarnopolski Distinguishing short and long FERMI GRBs
Sebastian Trojanowski Supersymmetric dark matter with low reheating temperature
Mateusz Wiśniewicz Neutron star and strange quark star binaries in the late inspiral phase.
Grzegorz Zuzel Neutrino cząstką Diraca czy Majorany - najnowsze wyniki eksperymentu GERDA.

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